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Jessika, 24 y.o.


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116 thoughts on “Jessika the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. We met again on an anonymous app. With very few details I immediately knew it was her, after she messaged to help me with something. Met up a day or two later. Been together ever since.

  2. He cooks for himself and the children and you aren't allowed any? That is all that needs to be said, thatbis abusive and you need to remove yourself from the situation.

  3. Step 1: Open your own bank account and have your wages transferred there. If this marriage is ever facing divorce, you will be SO grateful you did this.

  4. I would advise to not follow advice. No point in following your brain or logic either if you feel you won’t last anyway. Might as well follow your heart. So my advice is to listen to yourself, not others. Good luck ?.

  5. Repeat after me: is not your responsibility to raise a grown ass man. I’m always against redditors saying “dump him” all the time but girl, he is 24 he should know how to do basic stuff. If you have to tell him to clean or have to guide him on basic stuff then you are wasting your time and life.

  6. Maybe what you're doing doesnt feel good to her? Have you asked her if she likes it or what she likes in bed specifically? Have her show you the yes and no of what she likes. Rather than stopping altogether, perhaps it's a you arent pleasing her or shes not being all that open.

  7. Being a mature adult doesn't just mean blindly saying everything that's in your head. It also means taking care of your partner's feelings and having a little understanding about how something you say may affect them.

    You have kids with the other guy, he's always going to be in your life. Of course your current guy is going to have some insecurities. C'mon, now. Adulting means empathy.

  8. Big boobs are overrated. My chest is fucking huge, which may look good when I wear certain clothes, but they are heavy and saggy and my back and neck ache all the time. You can't run comfortably, you can't lay on your stomach. If you're on your side you have to tuck them in a certain way so it's not uncomfortable as shit, and the money I've wasted on bras is ridiculous.

    If you feel that insecure you can get a boob job. If not, what do you think you guys will do for the rest of your livee? Will you force him to wear a blindfold in the future so he doesn't see women with bigger tits than yours?

    I don't know what you've gone through. I don't know if you've been teased/bullied for having small boobs, but it's not his problem and it's not his responsibility to make you feel better about your body part.

  9. I have offered to move back to China (I enjoy life there), but she would prefer to stay in the UK. There is no argument she's staying here for me.

  10. If you've never met in person and he's shown no signs of wanting anything more than a platonic friendship, where is the harm? You can call time on the friendship at any moment you feel uncomfortable. I see no reason to automatically assume the worst if there have been no red flags in the past. I've friends who are 10 plus years younger (and some older) than me, and have had no issues whatsoever. Use your best judgement, but end things if you become uncomfortable.

  11. Thats a huge number of red flags in my oppinion. I think your right to be concerned.

    The best thing you can do for your friend is keep her close. Give her someone to talk to be there for her l that way if something happens, she has an ally.

    Some people don't realise it, but separation is one of the first things that happens in nasty relationships.

    Tell her your concerns, but if she cant see it, don't press the issue, you'll drive her away if you do.

    Good luck

  12. I do ask him and all he says is, youre boring i want to play by myself. Which i dont mind if he plays with others. I dont see why he makes it a big problem for me to be included in the xbox party so i can still talk?.. I am his partner after-all but in game coms with random people are way more important

  13. If this is real, which I find naked to believe, the question shouldn’t be how do I calm my bf down. The question should be how do I make this up to my mom! That behavior is atrocious and unacceptable in any scenario. He’s now trying to isolate you by telling you to stop talking to her until she comes around. Girl RUN!

  14. Hello /u/FusionBoy233,

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  16. Doubts are inevitable. They can be irrational in fact you can know they are irrational, but still have them. Assuming your relationship is healthy and happy outside of this incident you really should let it go. Of course there is no issue with telling your bf how it has made you feel. With that said it is not a betrayal of any kind.

  17. The second pregnancy was accidental I would never want to bring an innocent baby in such big problems so that’s why I’m trying so naked to fix myself before he comes.

  18. Sorry, OP. The boyfriend is an alcoholic. IT’s occasionally now but in a few years it will be every weekend and then everyday. He’ll continue to self destruct and bring you down with him.

    I strongly dislike ultimatums; this situation may be different. Give him the choice you or the booze. If he drinks again, he hits the bricks.

  19. To be honest I identify very much with your girlfriend, I had depression and a low naughty drive because of it (still doubting if I may just have always had it low but never noticed after the depression) but I still feel rejected when he doesnt initiate and I still reject him when he does. This is a very very difficult topic, my question is if she is going to therapy

    Im sure she appreciates A LOT that you respect her but in my opinion (and every single person is different) for me it is better if it gets initiated after situations that lead to it, for example a romantic atmosphere instead of randomly being initiated.

    She knows that if she rejects it you are going to respect it, however she may feel that because your drive is higher than hers you wont like her as much anymore because she cant satisfy you as much anymore (again this is just my opinion). I recommend small details for reassurance (if you dont do them already) such as buying her a portion of her favourite comfort food or giving her small gifts like if she likes stationery buy her one piece of it one random day when you come home that reminds you of her and let her know that you bought because it reminded you of her

    Relationships like these are naked but if the only issue at this moment is sex and you can deal with it then it should be something that you both can recover from

  20. For someone in a PhD program, you show an incredible lack of emotional intelligence. Is marriage never in the cards for you or just never in the cards for you with this one particular person? Because if that's the case, then you need to let this particular person go, especially if they are holding thoughts, in their heart, and their mind of marriage with you one day. You are now stringing them along and have been for the last year and a half in order to make your PhD program easier and so you have a place to live!.

  21. Move out. Not just so you can have more freedom, but also for the sake o your relationship with your mom. This sounds super toxic. I think space would be good or you both. My brother and my mom had a contentious relationship until he moved out. Now they’re closer than ever.

    Also as a side note, it’s absolutely not your responsibility to buy things for your brother? That’s the parents job. So idk how you spending your own money should have an affect on things your brother wants.

  22. I didn’t mention this but my family home was abusive and I really don’t want to go back

    I feel stuck financially and physically

  23. Hey, thanks a lot for commenting but I already texted her asking if I could see her and she replied. She doesn’t want to see me and she gave me reasons as to why she was pissed.

    I basically apologized, gave part of my side, told her I didn’t text with the intentions of arguing, then Told her it’s fine if she doesn’t want to talk and that it was up to her.

    She typed for a couple minutes, then decided to not send her message and leave me on read.

    I’m not blocked though, I guess that’s a positive…

  24. Leaving is not an option.

    There are no magic words that will make a person suddenly hear what their partner is trying to say and be better.

    You told him how you feel. He didn’t listen. He didn’t listen because he doesn’t care. If he cared, he’d realize that you feel like things are unbalanced and at the very least sit down and discuss it with you. But he’s not doing any of that because whether you’ve explicitly told him so or not, he knows you won’t leave, but you’ll do the housework instead of something you love while he plays games.

    So you don’t have to leave. But you already know what staying is like.

  25. Leaving is not an option.

    There are no magic words that will make a person suddenly hear what their partner is trying to say and be better.

    You told him how you feel. He didn’t listen. He didn’t listen because he doesn’t care. If he cared, he’d realize that you feel like things are unbalanced and at the very least sit down and discuss it with you. But he’s not doing any of that because whether you’ve explicitly told him so or not, he knows you won’t leave, but you’ll do the housework instead of something you love while he plays games.

    So you don’t have to leave. But you already know what staying is like.

  26. Perhaps I am naive but if you felt like your relationship was lacking intimacy then surely opening it up so that you both spend time with/have sex with other people is going to make your relationship even less intimate?

    Unless by “intimacy” you actually meant sex?

  27. He was kind and loving when he wanted something from you (your time and attention).

    If he is being cruel and unkind it’s because he doesn’t care if you give him those things anymore.

    That means he’s getting those things from someone else. Because men like him always need a woman’s time and attention.

  28. If he tries to fob you off again with the same bs, you'll know he doesn't care for you the way he should and he isn't worth your time.

    Someone that loves you and slipped up with their careless words would be mortified if you told them how upset and anxious their comments have made you. They would want to sit down and listen to you, reassure you, and talk about what they could do differently to make it better for you.

  29. Damn, this post would look different if the roles were reversed.

    People would tell OP to gently have a conversation on following through on expectations and that she isn’t owed oral.

    I’m surprised no one is telling OP that sex should never be a bargain chip in marriage, it should never be transactional.

    OP, have a discussion with your husband about you disappointment with the unmet expectations. The BJ’s you give him are because you are a more sexual person, he doesn’t have to reciprocate, and frankly you don’t have to stay if he doesn’t. Decide if this is where you are gonna draw your line in the sand, and go from there.

    He doesn’t have to give you oral, you don’t have to give him oral, and you also don’t have to stay with him if your sex life is that important to you.

  30. Don't go to Facebook, the internet doesn't need to know. Tell the people who matter to you, the rest will learn through the grapevine.

  31. Sorry I haven’t seen this comment so far because I am on mobile maybe but did you ask your BF to split the rent proportionally to your incomes? Don’t see why he would disagree with that as he knows what you both earned and he encouraged you to quit.

    That being said, can you get over the fact he applied for the same position? Did you agree that you’d both apply as it was probably an interesting positing with tons of candidates or was it just a very confidential job that he learned about when you told him?

  32. So, just as a helpful tip, that's not setting a boundary. It's more of a request. A boundary would be something like “If you continue to follow inappropriate accounts, I will no longer be continuing this conversation and/or relationship”. This is also assuming you both have had the conversation about what is and isn't appropriate once yall are exclusive. Generally, having that discussion before committing is helpful as it can weed out the people who don't have the same beliefs in place.

  33. I think you gotta be in or out with this friend. It's too much drama to be back and forth.

    I also question what a 30yo man is doing with a 22yo woman. You never should have been fostering a 1:1 relationship with this friend in the first place. It's fine to be friends as part of a group – a group your fiancée is hopefully welcome in and part of – but you don't need to be so close to her that you're alone with her or fretting over wedding invites.

    My advice? Say nothing, let this friendship become an acquaintanceship, and move on with your life. There's no reason to be chasing after young women as a 32yo married man.

  34. I see what you mean. Thing is I know how badly he has been treated by his “friends”. They tried on multiple occassions to flirt with me and made him feel like shit saying that I'm gonna leave him anyway or shit like that. Of course he knows not everyone is out to get him but in the end if most of the people you considered trustworthy stab you in the back it blinds your perception of kindness.

    And I don't plan to act on anything L might want because I love my partner with my whole heart. It's just that I am really on edge with all my personal problems that him being an ass towards me for no apparent reason just really pushes me to a breaking point.

  35. You literally stated you owning that place saved you in your first marriage. Why would you even consider selling it to help in your second? NO! Do not sell that place. Save for a joint property & if need to use the equity to help with the down payment for the joint property. Self preservation first and always. As a woman, I know you’ll want to do anything to please her but please don’t sell.

  36. That is a good point.

    I just don't want to see him so hurt.

    In a perfect world I guess they would just hear him out you know? but its not a perfect world and I think I just have some accepting to do.

    Thank you for your advice x

  37. I know it sounds trivial, but hang in there. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward. It's going to feel like your brain and heart are at war, but you will heal. Focus on things that are healthy for you and bring you joy. Face your emotions and deal with them, even the dark ones. You're going to be okay.

  38. Thank you.

    As you told it thrice we actually understood your point.

    All I wanted to inform you about is that being Autistic is precisely no excuse for anything as there are means to get around that.

    The boy I worked with certainly was no low level autist. As a child he never interacted with his environment and had even gotten very violent towards his mother later on.

    But even then, if there is a willingness to cooperate there is a way to figure out the other personse expectancies and figure out a way to comply.

  39. Please repeat after me.

    My ex has annoying habits.

    My ex has family drama.

    My ex’s farts smell as bad as my husbands.

    I’m not even being tough on you because you haven’t done anything wrong yet. But know you aren’t thinking about your ex you are thinking about a dream that is not centered in reality.

    Now please, go boink your husband as naked and dirty as you are both comfortable with. You both need it.

  40. You should do what's best for you. His insecurities are his to deal with. If he can't handle them, maybe it's best to move on.

  41. She's actually told me that she wants to split but I don't want her to leave. Without her, I won't be able to afford an apartment and I do love her. She understands that my friend is helping us out but she did say that she feels lied to because we were there longer than we were supposed to be. She can afford a place on her own but I don't want her to leave as I said. She just feels like if this is how it's going to be, she doesn't want to be here.

    I've told her that my friend said that we cannot stay long-term but she said she wonders if that would change if she was out of the picture. She just keep saying that she's not happy with the situation and that she wants to leave. I have told her that I don't believe her because I know she loves me and if she would just hang on, eventually we will have our own place but she won't listen.

    She just keeps saying she wants to leave and I don't know what to do to convince her to stay. I will be honest and say that I have been neglecting her since we've been here. I usually go right into my friend's room to talk to her about our day because I feel like since she's giving us a place to stay, she should take priority right now.

    My girlfriend said that she feels like she may as well be single at this point. All I know is I'm tired of having the same arguments and she said she is too. But as I said, without her this whole thing collapses because I cannot afford a place on my own.

  42. I think it will. This is honestly one of the smaller problems than the ones we’ve had in the past regarding his family. He comes from one of those narcissistic, abusive, emotionally incestuous households that caused me a lot of pain and trauma in the beginning but he ultimately chose me and has gone no contact with his family.

  43. But that isn’t this situation. The home isn’t dirty when her husband gets there. He’s withholding affection because there’s some hairs on the ground. That is falling in line with abuse.

  44. Oh no, your gf has a personality outside of your relationship and.. gets on with other people????? Grow up, get over it, work on yourself and not being insecure.. talk to her about it! Tell her how you feel and discuss it! Don't drag her down..

  45. What is this weird shit? You make 10,000 per month and he makes 200 that he is saving for school? Why would you ask him any money at all? Ever? I am doubting your ages. You must be 10 years old.

  46. You won't learn. Doesn't matter we say. You are destined to be with assholes (I know because I'm an asshole)

  47. You won't learn. Doesn't matter we say. You are destined to be with assholes (I know because I'm an asshole)

  48. Only you can truly answer this.

    Most people can not deal with long distance.

    It truly all depends on what you both want and need out of a relationship.

    Do you need to be touching and held and see each other? Does she? Well, you do not get any of that from long distance. This means you would have to change your whole mindset on what you want from a relationship.

    I will say that long distance doesn't work. They are not real relationships. But yes. You will get people who say it's the best relationship.

    So you have to think for yourself here. Can you go days or weeks without touching or kissing or sex or seeing her in person?

    Good luck.

  49. I would be worried at how attached she already seems to this guy. Do you know if she knew him before the Reddit contact? I don’t think it’s going to be healthy for a threesome to have someone who seems to be becoming emotionally attached to the third person, asking for trouble.

  50. Bro, be smart for us here, like??? She wants to fuck that guy do bad she won't even cut contact with him?? What else are you wondering, she's already cheating in her mind

  51. Go where you’re celebrated not tolerated. She showed you who she really is, and you dodged a bullet.

  52. You date for experience, for a deeper understanding of your own needs as well as how to recognise and meet the needs of your partner. There will be relationships where you're deeply attracted to someone who, over time, you realise is not compatible with you. There will be relationships where you are dumped for reasons that only become apparent after a period of self reflection. Your first few proper relationships aren't started with the goal of ending them, but it can be so, so foolish to try and make your first relationship into your only relationship. Like taking a driving lesson, finding out how to start the car, then deciding you know how to drive.

    Just because she plans on learning a lot more about herself before she settles for a life partner it doesn't mean she's planning for the end of the relationship. Don't settle young

  53. Well, honestly not completely true, weed can still cause issues if you've had previous mental health issues, or if they're finally surfacing.

    I would be much more worried about a mental health issue, the thing I would say, although you may already know, is drug use is quite obviously a mental health issue as well, if you know that, get ur son into some therapy? he obviously is mentally unstable if you've had similar situations.

  54. Hi, I’m diagnosed with a very similar cluster b personality disorder. I will say that your boyfriend can function somewhat “normally” in a relationship, but, it’s mainly “what can I get out of this relationship?”. It’s entirely self-centered. At the end of the day, most people with personality disorders function that way. And if he is truly diagnosed with ASPD, there’s no “favorite person”, there’s no genuine love or empathy. It doesn’t matter who you are. Sociopaths do not have that. I’m sorry to say it. He can CARE for you, but at the end of the day, once you no longer bring something of value, that’s where the facade drops. Personally, I would suggest both of you seeing a psychologist/psychiatrist. Especially bringing a baby into this. Best of luck, OP.

  55. I would love to know how fast you broke off all contact. You said you wanted him to show you proof that he didn’t cheat or lie but depending on how fast that all went down he didn’t get the chance. Heck you even said you only knew he was negative when you talked again. To me it sounds like you really, really jumped the gun and broke it off without actually having proof of anything. Clamydia is notorious for being dormant for ages before deciding to go ham and there is also the possibility of you or him getting a false test result.

  56. “I know you are proud and wanting to also spend time with him as well. It must be difficult because you don’t want to make him feel unwanted. Let’s spend some one on one time together. Just like we used to. Just you and me.

    It’s only a short time. “

  57. I got cheated on 4 years ago and it took me a looooong time to fully get over it. The level of betrayal from this person I did everything for and was always honest with and I had an entire life with. The more time that passed the more I just knew they were a piece of shit. They cheated on me with a lot of people while i was at work or at school, sometimes I'd be home and they'd have gone to hang out with “friends” and come home after getting jizz all over their face and kissing me. Not only is that disgusting but they put me at risk for STDS without even telling me. I checked their Instagram a few months ago as I was thinking about it again and got really upset (they stole a bunch of my nice clothes in the break up and I wanted to see if they were still posting pictures with them, they were), and they're still doing the same shit, fucking randos having a sugar mommy and acting like a degenerate in a filthy apartment in my clothes. After a lot of time I have come to the conclusion that they are the way they are, and while i actually improve and go about my life, theyre going to stay that way. Neither of us needs weird cheater behaviour in our lives, your ex will find someone else and cheat again, break another person's heart, and eventually end up with nothing. Fuck that shit.

  58. He didn’t say supermodel, he said she modeled in her 20’s. That could have been for anything a moderately pretty girl with the right body type…grocery store flyers, local department store fashion shows, not necessarily Vogue magazine or a catwalk in Paris.

  59. Sorry but you are an idiot. You had an optimal co-parenting relationship going on, you were able to be friends. Nothing would be more ideal for your son. And you screwed that up because your new gf was jealous. Nothing you described about your exes coparenting behaviour is not great… you are so clueless. How can you can the communication with your ex so drastically. You should do anything to make sure you are friends for your sons sake. Dumb your gf. She is an extremely bad influence for your relationship to your son

  60. I've communicated to him that I will tell him to do things for me but not all the time bc it feels like he's only going to do it because I told him to . It's not the first or second or third time telling him what I would like . He simply says that's not him and doesn't do anything else to make me feel comfortable after . He gives me the silent treatment and then I feel bad bc if I didn't say anything We'd be good . Basically this whole relationship is mainly on his terms :/

  61. Move on with your life. You can’t wait on her to grow up. She isn’t even doing what’s best for her kids.

  62. Bingo.

    Yes, her boyfriend is being an asshole and knew what he was getting into.

    But she has zero time to be in a relationship, and many people would be upset being a non-priority for two years.

  63. The phone thing is one of many. I found some texts that alluded to more, but then she wiped her phone and laptop completely, and refuses to even talk about what I saw on there. In my mind, I think I already know the answer, but I do want to hear what other people think which is why I posted

  64. Saying “she told me everything already “ so when husband just says “it was a joke text “ you’d know that already “ then what do u do

  65. I keep coming back to that “I’ll show the lawyer how MEAN she is that she won’t FORGIVE me!” and marveling at the audacity.

    When I practiced family law, I worked on parental termination appeals. Some of the most tone deaf and delusional human beings on the planet. OP is right up there with them. My only hope is that the judge will also see right through her.

  66. Sounds like you got the hots for Clark! If I was your fiancé I would appreciate you being honest about it and just move on with life. I’m sure things will work out for your fiancé, there’s still live! dating, but you’ve just gotta move on and fulfill your passions. Life is too short not too.

  67. why is he bitter for not wanting to get married? they can have kids, and a life together just dont merge finances with marriage

  68. Maybe discuss with him instead of throwing it out he could put the food in inexpensive containers and give it to the homeless ?

  69. Not at all. He was very loving compassionate and understanding. I really can’t get what changed. And what kills me is that he was there (before my medication) when I was the active one even tho I was suffering. He can literally see that medication is impacting my lifestyle.

  70. Firstly so sorry for your loss, there are no words to describe the heartache that death brings, and to loose your child is a multitude of times worse.

    You need to find out who took the dress, and if your fiancé had anything to do with it, or knowledge of it.

    If the answer to the above is yes, then you need to cut him and anyone else involved out of your life completely.

    If the answer to the above is no, then you need to talk, and sorry but you might have pushed him away, you might not be able to fix this at all.

    Remember that he also lost a daughter, that he was probably pinning his coping with the grief on the fact that you were going to get married.

    Then you need therapy to deal with your grief, and remember that there is no right way, no time frame etc, as everyone is different.


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