If you're the opposite of old-fashioned, why are you advising something you specifically called old-fashioned? Moving in together is its own commitment separate from marriage. You should certainly talk about what you want for the future before living together, but doing the legal commitment first is backwards because you then have to untangle all of that if it's not a good fit instead of just being able to move out.
People who live! together first iirc are actually more likely to get divorced.
This is because people who don't cohabit before marriage tend to be more conservative/religious on the whole and therefore more opposed to divorce even if the marriage is unhappy or unhealthy. I think we can both agree that staying in a bad marriage is not a good metric for success.
You cannot. Find someone who wants you to be happy.
If you're the opposite of old-fashioned, why are you advising something you specifically called old-fashioned? Moving in together is its own commitment separate from marriage. You should certainly talk about what you want for the future before living together, but doing the legal commitment first is backwards because you then have to untangle all of that if it's not a good fit instead of just being able to move out.
People who live! together first iirc are actually more likely to get divorced.
This is because people who don't cohabit before marriage tend to be more conservative/religious on the whole and therefore more opposed to divorce even if the marriage is unhappy or unhealthy. I think we can both agree that staying in a bad marriage is not a good metric for success.