❤Dya❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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❤Dya❤, 29 y.o.


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20 thoughts on “❤Dya❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. 2 years, 77 breakups. I get that to an average of 9 days between breakups. I must of gotten that wrong, right?

  2. On a side note, if you were sleeping with all those guys to deal with self esteem issues then you should probably get some counseling. Just because you are no longer doing that doesn't mean there still can be some challenges in you life from that, that manifest in dysfunctional issue in your marriage or life down the road if you don't deal with it.

    Which is why sex count isn't unimportant like some folks thing, when you are choices a mate, both men and women. If someone is using sex as a gauge on their worth or a coping mechanism, that is unhealthy and doesn't go away just because the get married. Often it is still one of their gotos when they feel down on themselves, or there are challenges in the marriage.

    it's wise for both men and women to take these things into account.

  3. It's not the right thing to do. It's a nice thing to do.

    Men do not need to know they have created a fetus. It doesn't affect them in any sense. Because the fetus is not a child and it's not their bodies being affected.

    The only time it's the right thing to do is if OP decides to give birth or was on the fence about it.

    So many times women tell men they were pregnant and getting an abortion but only get judgment and resentment, or worse, get coerced into changing their minds and giving birth.

  4. Associates doesn't do anything unfortunately. My suggestion would be for him to find an appreticship for a trade, if he can't handle community College business I don't think he will survive a state school or any 4 year university.

  5. OK op, if you're serious about changing and being better while living at your moms then here's what you do, you write her a detailed letter telling her that you WANT to be better and ask her to give you a list of things that she would like you to do each day and that you will do them. Clean your room without her telling you to do it, do the dishes without her nagging you, sweep the floor, take out trash, clean the bathrooms, vacuum the floor, mop, just do things that you know needs to be done…Your mom probably gets tired of doing all of those things and it probably wears on her that she has to nag you to do anything, it would help her a LOT if you just took the initiative without her always having to tell you. Also learn how to cook some simple meals and surprise her and your stepfather someday with dinner. Tell them you appreciate and love them and that you WANT to do better. Good luck OP you don't sound like a bad person just someone who got a little too comfy with getting away with things.

  6. Well, again, it seems to me that you feel entitled to his money and think all this happened “out of your control”. Getting in debt is typically under your control unless it’s some kind of emergency.

    Like…how are you on Reddit right now? With a phone? Can you change your phone plan and reduce the cost? Can you sell any of your stuff? Can you take a semester off and work full time plus?

    I’m not without empathy. I haven’t been in a bunch of debt but there were times when I was around your age that I was literally checking under the couch cushions or returning cans for gas money. I was in school full time and working full time but I was also paying for my family’s mortgage, vehicles, and my brother’s college. Money was tight.

    Still, he’s worried about himself. And he has already spent more and covered more. So if he wants to spend his small amount of spending money on himself, I don’t see the issue.

    Perhaps rather complaining, ask for what you want. If you’re just complaining and hinting around, it’s not very effective.

  7. What's your dream date? Something you've always wanted to do but were too scared or too broke? I suggest acting like you have no idea who that person is. You don't know their favorite food, what they do before bed, how they wake up, what they're going to say. At the same time, you get to become mysterious again. Who are they going out with? The thirsty ex, the shy, demure one, the fun and wild one, or the badass, maybe naughty one that doesn't show what your true intentions are because they make even you blush? Be new, be ok with having a bad date because it's funny how awful it was. Fall in love with this person, who in reality is not the same as the one you married. Find out! Good luck and good job for y'all being able to try together!

  8. Ask him why he doesn’t take you out to eat anymore. Tell him you feel used. Like he just tricked you into marrying him to be his personal chef.

  9. It’s not the same if done to a white person, the whole premise of racism is based upon a group viewed as and made to feel as less than, and that has obviously never happened to white people so kindly fuck off with your ignorant views

  10. For real…..and I love the humble brag in the last part of his comment.

    It is an awkward situation but one that needs to be addressed. You might start to feel actual feel resentment towards her. Never a good thing.

  11. Dude get out 5 years ago, it’s over, there’s no salvaging this. It’s not worth the time, energy or effort it would take to discover you’re not compatible in any sense of the word. We can tell you straight up. Dead bed. Dead conversation. Dead communication. Dead feelings. Marriage dead. No hope of revival, it’s asystole.

  12. Yeps this is a common theme with people telling their s/o's what happened I've had my fair share of opening up about my sa's and having to manage the other person

  13. OP maybe get tested for STDs just in case. You weren't using condoms with her and you don't know if that incident was the only time she cheated.

    Also, this reflects badly only on her. You come off as a strong, respectable dude and you should be proud of how you handled it. Keep it up and don't get sucked back into any drama from her.

  14. This is so painful but I think everything you did everything that made sense. ?

    You are 100% right that anyone within reason would have had you talk with the sister with you because that would nearly completely exonerated her. I think she will tell you the truth some day but who knows.

    Big hugs OP ? best of luck moving forward.

  15. It sounds like you're laying the foundation to excuse his behavior and just stay because it is more convenient to you than the hassle of leaving. I'd like to point out a few things: 1. There has never been a point in your entire relationship where that man has been honest with you. 2. Your entire relationship is one big lie. 3. Upon reading your follow-up info, it sounds like you are already making excuses to stay with him(worried about people being mad at him, worried about having to tell people, worried about people thinking you're cheating if you leave, maybe he would be ok w/ an open relationship, etc.) 4. This isn't what is considered an open relationship, and it's likely he will never not cheat on you because he wants that thrill. 5. If he was willing to betray you so horrifically when you guys are supposed to be at your happiest, what will he be willing to do when you guys are at low points? You need to remember something. YOU are worth far more than what he has given you, and only YOU can make that determination. You are downplaying your worth by even considering staying with someone who hasn't given you a drop of honesty in your entire relationship. I know it feels like he is the love of your life, but think about it, would you have done this to him? Why? Because you love him, right? LOVE does not, it CANNOT, do what this man did to you. It cannot even consider it, which means he never loved you to begin with. It's likely he doesn't even know what love is. Love yourself enough to leave. Love yourself enough to not settle just because its convenient. Love yourself enough to find someone who loves you more than life itself. Then you will have found your fairytale.


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