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Aaron & Anna, 26 y.o.


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25 thoughts on “Aaron & Anna the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Sorry let me correct that, she intended to sneak off to his room. I thought I had read a comment stating she obtained the room key but it seems like she just agreed to do so.

    The point still stands that this isn’t loyalty. OP knows that to be the case as she’s posting on infidelity subs. Her husband deserves to determine if this violates his boundaries in a relationship, not Reddit.

  2. “If OP is as loving and caring as they claim, wouldn’t they let this comment slide?” Again, not necessarily. We don’t know anything about OP’s personality or self esteem.

    There are PLENTY of people who are good people and take what others have to say to heart, even if it’s a stranger & somewhere inside them they know it’s not true. People with low self esteem do it all the damn time.

    And there are a shitload of people that need and seek validation from people online. That’s not uncommon.

    We don’t know OP so none of us can say either way, but assuming anyone who seeks validation or who is hurt by a comment is suspicious or has ill intent, is just shitty IMO.

    It sounds like you don’t deal with any of these issues, which is great for you. But I do think it’s making it hot for you to consider any other possibility.

    It’s all just speculation, but i don’t think it’s a bad thing to keep our mind open to different possibilities.

  3. Yes, oversharing is wrong. You're just stressed about your sex life, but do you feel it's worth embarassing him over? If I were him, and I found out, I'd never hang out with your friends ever again (quite honestly I'd probably break up).

  4. I didnt even consider that she might not guilty about it at all. I'll have to reflect on that part, though not sure if its totally true as she did immediately offer to only go out during the daylight hours but those days are normally for us to hang out. That is kinda rare though.

  5. Not wife material. She has replacements in mind. Just follow Scenario 4 for your own mental health. Otherwise you’ll walk in on her wrapped around another man in your bed. “Hope you don’t mind” she says as you crumple.

  6. Your embarrassment is based on the opinions of others, strangers even. I wouldn't allow someone to say something to me without a snappy retort. That is not okay and you should feel comfortable about going wherever you want.

    Can you give some examples of things that have been said to you?

  7. Its not always that easy. Some women are just flirty. It's fine to shoot your shot but if you don't get a date, move on. You don't need to be weird or pushy about it.

  8. Low sex drive can be due to trauma for sure, but it can also be from medication (like birth control, or anxiety meds), relationship problems, poor diet, poor sleep, and various other health conditions or mental heath issues. So if she’s game, consider encouraging her to do a doc check up to rule out common physical/mental health causes (like depression, anemia, thyroid issues) maybe switch to a different birth control (if applicable), check for issues with other medication, improve diet and exercise, try a multi vitamin for a month to see if it helps, and consider a couples or sex therapist to see if relationship stress or that past trauma is adding to the problem. You can also check out the subreddits of r/sex and r/deadbedrooms to look for other suggestions/ideas.

  9. I used “desperation” because OP used that word in one of her comments; just inserting her own language.

    There’s nothing wrong with bringing it up; she definitely should have had these conversations before the relationship progressed but she chose an aggressive manner how she brought it up based on her original post “take the apartment back.” That’s not a casual convo, that’s making a demand.

    Regardless of how others respond, she still has no business harassing the ex. That was a choice she solely made on her own; sneakily to get to her bottom line —> I want the ex out so I can move in.

    They both fucked up in communication; I agree with ya. Whether it was shame or not, he should have been transparent about his past relationships. She also should have pushed for transparency earlier on. She knew what she was doing; waiting it out until a new label made her feel entitled to ask for more info. By not asking sooner/earlier, she made him feel it was ok to leave the past in the past and not discuss, which threw him off when she went in demanding he renege on his prior agreement and asking for more info. They’re both wrong. I hope she widens up and leaves. The way she sounds and how she’s making him sound, it will only be a breeding ground for more problems in the future.

  10. It has nothing to do with you. He is anxious, give him some support and assurance. But stick up for yourself if he starts really pushing.

  11. Off the bat, breaks are bullshit. Why? Because they don’t fix issues. They create a delay into addressing issues.

    You said here that you decided to take some time apart because of your different lifestyles. To be more clear, that you’re incompatible.

    In saying that, what did and do you expect the break to accomplish? Your thought essentially confirms my answer to that question; nothing.

    There’s nothing more to understand. You don’t like who he is. He doesn’t like who you are. You can’t understand how he could possibly be like this. He can’t understand how you could possibly be like this. You think you’re right and he’s wrong. He thinks he’s right and you’re wrong.

    You don’t deal with this. You don’t try to understand it. You acknowledge that you’re incompatible and make the decision you’ve been avoiding. Try again? If you get back together, you’re getting back together with the same people you were when you decided you needed to separate. It sucks, and I’m sorry.

  12. There was a post about this like 6 months ago. This guy was going to propose to his “girlfriend” but then found out she was “cheating” on him.

    Turns out they were never dating. He was extremely socially inept. He had good humour about it though.

    Good luck!

  13. Honestly, this sounds like something a family would instill in a child: “You're wrong, thus you're stupid. Your opinion isn't right, mine is, listen to me if you know what's good for you kid. If I told you to take out the trash, you're meant to see the leaves aren't raked and do that, if you didn't do that too, then you don't understand anything I'm saying so you're stupid. Why read about it/discuss about it/know more about it when you can just do as I say. You don't need that, you don't want that, I know better. Comply, don't run, just follow, don't you hear what I'm saying to you kid? Are you deaf? Are you stupid?”. This is what my friends grandparents, who raised him, tried to cram into his head. Try to imagine compiling all of that into an adult, I think you'd come close to where your husband is mentally. I'm not an expert and I recommend professional help, like my friend had to get. The stories and results just seemed too similar not to mention. Friend calls it his “fake” life.

    I'm afraid this isn't something you can help your husband with, you can just point it out and listen if he's willing to talk. He has to see it himself, take the steps and want to get the real professional specialist help he needs. This could take years or could simply never happen because he won't want to see it. Judging by how firm you say his stances are, how deep his beliefs go, I wouldn't be optimistic. You need to think about what You need OP. A life with someone who is ready to make you an echo of a villain in their heads and lead a half-baked “playing house” life is not something that will sustain Your own mental health. Take care of yourself OP, I wish you all the best and that you find the fulfilment in life and a partner you're looking for. ??

  14. I guess I just wish I knew why. At least the others I knew it was me. I’m just confused and don’t know what to do now. Thanks for letting me know “it just is” was a possibility though.

  15. trust me i have addressed them in every way.. i’m not looking for anyone to be sorry for me. but realize he put me thru a lot too.. he hurt me in ways i didn’t think a person could.. anyway.. he said he’d give me a month to prove it to him, so i’ve been very honest gave him my passwords.. let him beat me down..

  16. No it’s completely understandable. The problem is that some people really don’t understand what they’ve done wrong until it’s explained in detail. My husband is the best person I know. He’s caring and sensitive to others but sometimes I have to walk him through why I’m upset. Maybe they are just oblivious to the impact this is having on you. Tell him without being emotional. Say that you thought you were helping each other professionally but if it’s not reciprocated, you’ll stop.

  17. Is this abnormal behavior for her? Does she have insomnia? Does she ever go long periods of time without sleep?

  18. You've been with your gf on and off for 6 years. “On and off” implies you've broken up a few times. With that comment, I can tell you that you do not know with 100% certainty that your gf will be in your life forever, let alone HER best friend.

    One thing you have to realize is that's her friendship, not yours. If you guys break up again, that friend is not your friend anymore.

    Your friend? You guys have been going strong for 10 years. He wants you at his wedding, otherwise he wouldn't have double checked with you about the RSVP.

    Don't miss his wedding.

  19. He shouldn’t lead her on to believe he’s interested in a long term relationship but there’s nothing wrong with getting some casual sex out of it.

  20. I haven’t heard of them but I will definitely will be checking them out, thank you! I think having a counselor would help mediate. I want to make sure he knows I’m not coming from a place of judgment but from a place of hurt and love. Sometimes he gets too in his head and overthinks, that’s why I’d want a professional, to make sure he is safe from himself during the conversation. Thank you for your tips!


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