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54 thoughts on “???SEXY ROSSE??? the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. The thing is that she’s expecting presents too and me knowing her, if I show up without, she’s gonna be disappointed and like REALLY display it to me.

  2. I don't think that this is about your looks. She may have a degree of depression. She may not feel very attractive herself. She may be tired out by the child. Maybe she just isn't that into you now, or ever was. Perhaps marriage counseling could flush this all out for the both of you to work on. Good luck.

  3. Go back to being friends. Then he can decide after a few weeks if he regrets it or not. Take the pressure off the relationship and look around, you might find a guy who doesn't have his hang ups.

  4. I'd be inclined to put the kids in the car and drive up to see him in the middle of this bachelor weekend.

    This isnsketchynas jell OP, I don't think there's a wedding at all. Can you speak to the partners of some of his mutual friends who are going as well?

  5. Thank you, I really appreciate your advice! I don't like conflicts so it's not easy for me to bring up difficult conversations and I didn't know how to do that without being too confrontational. This helped me frame my approach.

  6. Thank you, I really appreciate your advice! I don't like conflicts so it's not easy for me to bring up difficult conversations and I didn't know how to do that without being too confrontational. This helped me frame my approach.

  7. Tell your mom; tell your dad; tell any friends; tell your neighbors; hell, tell all your coworkers, acquaintances, and random women in the restroom!!!!!

    HONEY, any sane person will tell you the same thing: RUN! You need to protect yourself and GO. He doesn't love you; he lied and manipulated you into a relationship! The fact that he feels comfortable telling you about his desire to RAPE you just means that he has even worst thoughts about the future.

  8. Gonna be honest this just sounds like a run of the mill affair. I suspect you won't like my post and will probably be angry.

    Plenty of people after they are already caught up in the emotional aspect of an affair suddenly seem great big problems in their relationships, problems that they also dismiss the possibility that they contributed too. Maybe he sucked, but I don't think you are a reliable narrator even for yourself.

    A lot of people see marriage as this kind of catch all for all their issues. They also have this notion that life is about being happy. It's not, and this guy isn't going to be and answer to that either, he will have other things that are not so great.

    You seem self absorbed, but then everyone who cheats does, the idea that your kids are happier is kind of a tell. I suspect you gauge your kids happiness by your own, which is also typical. But hey I could be 100% wrong here.

    The thing that is supposed to keep you from cheating isn't because your relationship is perfect or even good, it's because it's the right thing to do and you made a vow. All marriages have stretches where it's hard. Even the best ones. That's not to stay you have to stay married, but really going through the steps of divorce when the marriage is not working out pulls out a lot of your own bullshit. It's harder to pretend like you aren't part of the problem when you have a fallback fantasy that you can just bring up in your head whenever reality might intrude.

    Finally people who are quick to want to forgive themselves for doing things that hurt others are suspect to me. But at least some part of you knows that's BS which is a good thing, it means your not to far gone, or a sociopath.

    I suggest you get yourself a good counselor who pushes you and doesn't just reinforce your inner monologue. Or don't and just call me an asshole, then you can wait until this fantasy turns into reality and you are right back where you were before. Then I suggest you get yourself a good counselor who challenges you.

  9. I agree. This isn’t a man but a man-child who 1) doesn’t seem to like or respect woman 2) is selfish and self centered and 3) showed you the child he is at dinner with your family. Your friend who told you this isn’t a big deal may appreciate a misogynist but you are right to have your antenna up. Not all relationships are meant to be forever, some are meant to be learning opportunities. Take the lesson and move on.

  10. Uhm, why are you hiding this from your wife?

    That’s how this shit starts

    Tell your wife, don’t be alone with her friend again

  11. FYI, wickedarchivist replied to you, then replied to their reply, then deleted the original so you wouldn't see the inbox notification. They don't want you seeing that they're just flat out lying about what you said, pretending

    His insecurity is something he needs to work out with a therapist, not his girlfriend.

    Somehow is “Couples should just hide everything from each other” and generally arguing dishonestly.

  12. I’d be really really annoyed if my boyfriend was texting my boss behind my back about a “romantic surprise” – so unprofessional and feels career sabotage-y

  13. This sounds fishy but not concrete. Maybe “forget something” or put a nanny cam (or both). She could have gone there to snoop or look for valuables, or he could be cheating, either way you would know.

    UpdateMe! Please

  14. I matched his energy a LOT, infact I got so serious about him that he told me to ‘slow down emotionally’ . He felt I was moving too fast emotionally (even though he’s the one who said those things to me in the first place)

  15. I think they can be interchangeable depending on context, but generally I’ll interpret “I’m seeing someone” as “I am going on dates with this person and it’s serious enough where I don’t want to pursue anything else” and “I have a girlfriend” to mean “I am in a mutually committed relationship with someone”

  16. all you have accomplished with your comment is make me slightly sad. is that what you wanted? think before you speak, a real person is reading your words.

  17. I agree. The biggest impact you can have on a person in this situation is being happy with out them.

    Do that

  18. Bruh, you’re a dream guy for a competent woman. This relationship isn’t going to work she’s too immature for you. She has no grasp on what happens in the real world.

  19. Don't stay with her expecting to persuade her. Persuading someone into having kids is a no no. Accept her for who she is right now inclusion her values and life choices. Yiu want kids and she doesn't. Yiu guys are not compatible. Move on

  20. That’s not what I said. I said it’s a fact that in both posts, OP never said it’s been his intention to sign over the apartment legally. You’re saying that’s always been his intention, implying that’s a fact, when in reality, it’s not.

    My opinion is this guy isn’t over her.

  21. And don’t let them try to gaslight you with “it was just a joke” or “i didn’t mean it that way” or “ you know that’s not what I said”

  22. It’s not OP’s wife’s (or anyone else’s) responsibility to be that support system. Just because someone is “rehabilitated” doesn’t mean they deserve the same privileges as if they never lied or cheated.

  23. Right, if he's making this decision anyway, purely based on the title, LET HIM. You should never feel obliged to do something so huge.

    After reading your post.. LEAVE HIM.

    This isn't him struggling and needing to better himself, this is you being abused. He needs to do all of the things he promises BEFORE a child is even considered, but honestly it sounds like you're better off out of it anyway.

    Please keep yourself safe and stay with your parents.

  24. You’re a fool if you think people won’t lie even if there are measures in place that can easily disprove a lie. My ex was the one who set up location tracking for us and yet she was the one that lied multiple times about her whereabouts. Lo and behold she was in fact caught cheating thanks to that tracking that she put in place and I had referenced several times

  25. I understand where you coming from and I probably should’ve mentioned, my GF doesn’t want her to know. I mentioned imma just tell her the truth because it’s a stupid thing to lie about but she gets mad and starts accusing me of things when I mention it. I don’t want to break up at all, and the friend isn’t anyone more than a friend but I wanted advice on what I should do with my Gf because it seems I’m in a lose lose situation whether I keep it the way it is or tell the truth

  26. Good lord. Your mother is manipulative as heck. I’m sorry OP, but you may never see that money and I’d strongly consider going NC with mom, at least until she realises her betrayal and mistake with you and apologises. That’ll show her.

  27. Yeah literally like 2 days ago i was fasting and said i didn’t want to have sex and we still ended up having sex. afterwards i finally said to him that i didn’t want to and i feel raped and then he turned around and said to me “is there not days that you wanna have sex?” so i said yes bc there is (not every day like him) and then he said “i do not make you feel like shit on the days you want sex” but i don’t understand because if he ever told me he didn’t want to have sex i’d back off straight away… he just doesn’t.

  28. I’m really glad that your response considers our differing religious values I was afraid that wouldn’t come across. As for mine and my GFs religious values, they’re the same (more or less). In fact when we first got together she didn’t tell me that she drinks and it only came out a few months into the relationship and by then I was in love lol. You’re completely right that the choice for her to drink is completely hers. I need to understand that so I think I’m not going to mention it anymore. She knows my viewpoint and if she continues it will be a decision I have to make if that’s something I can on-line with… you’re completely right on that one…

    And yea she did mention that she would’ve ended things if I hadn’t done anything for her birthday. It does seem like she has the propensity to choose the nuclear breakup option more so than I do but part of me thinks it’s a scare tactic…

    I do trust her, I know she wouldn’t cheat but I don’t know how she’d act if she’s inebriated and that far away from me and I’m a Vegas environment

    You’ve given me a lot to think about, thank you

  29. Just put the word “dad” instead of “boyfriend” and curfew, complains about your friends being too immature and having a doctor appointment for you starting making sense ?

    On the serious side, this guy is red flag parade. Please don’t let him baby-trap you (because I’m not buying his health excuse) and step back a bit and think about what he will do next if on your honeymoon relationship period he already treats you like that.

  30. You’ve told him already. Let him stay with her and fuck up his own life. He’s a grown ass man and this is a conscious decision he has made. Just let him know you will no longer be open to giving relationship advice while he is with her

  31. I would be more surprised if someone can tolerate constant micromanaging in their relationship much less their job. There is a reason why nobody wants to be around these types of people. Most likely going to be mentally and emotionally drained dealing with micromanagement every single day.

  32. I really don't get the obsession with virginity. I lost mine at 15 and looking back on it I don't really think anything of “losing” it, it just happened to be the first time I had sex. I can understand from a religious POV gotta save yourself whatever blah blah but if I was a dude I'd rather not have sex with someone where it can potentially be painful for her and bloody. Just seems awkward and messy from all fronts

  33. Sorry to say there is a reason he is Married so many times. Dont waste time because you have already put so much effort in. That is something called a sunk cost. That time and effort is already spent. If you must ask for couples counseling, if that is refused it is time to look for love elsewhere

  34. divorce her. She sounds absolutely useless and is bringing you down mentally in the process. Hey if you want to on-line the 2nd half of your life in misery, then go for it, but theres still a very strong chance you could eventually meet someone that would be a much better fit for you. You see your kid half the time. Staying in that mess sounds like a friggin nightmare!

  35. OP, I noticed an interesting phrase in your post: “we were each other’s firsts and onlys and he doesn’t want to regret not sleeping with someone else his whole life but how can I accept that?”

    I’m very sorry to say this to you, but he has absolutely not just slept with one person in his life so far.

    Yes, that was your agreement, but all of the junk you found on his phone says otherwise. His attempt to excuse his own behavior by saying he’s an addict says otherwise. The fact that his response to getting caught was to flat-out state that he wants to be with other women says otherwise.

    Of course he’s sooo happy to be with you! He’s getting what most young men want: to have his cake and eat it, too.

    It’s easy to loooove bring around someone who has who you have zero commitment to, but who’s fully committed to you! To have a girlfriend who is always available, but not have to be available to her?

    To use another metaphor, this kid’s on easy street. He’s also too lazy, and too selfish to be a good (or even mediocre) boyfriend to you.

    Question: Are you interested in or excited by the idea of sleeping with other men? If you are, then you’re lucky. Agree with the new relationship parameters, and feel free to find additional lovers. (My guess is you and your “first” will drift away from each other quickly.) *** Do not let him decide that only he is allowed to sleep with others.

    If you aren’t interested in having an open relationship, then, I’m sorry, but I agree with the other redditors who are advising you to break up with him.

    Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for more heartache (not to mention possible STIs).

    You deserve better! And there are plenty of better men out there. Trust us on that.

  36. He’s being unreasonable and you’re enabling him. Box up all his games and throw them in there and see how he reacts.

  37. He is making 'jokes' of it, because this normalises the abuse in your mind, and you will stop noticing as it gets worse.

    He is conditioning you for further abuse. This is literally why women stay, because the escalation is slow, starts off small, and builds into something significant.

    You need to leave.

  38. Hard drugs are definitely a dealbreaker for me. Also, I've heard too many people claim they weren't addicted to something they most definitely are addicted to that I just don't believe people when they say it anymore. Now, I am sure this isn't true for everyone, but I would be really weary here.

  39. It will become a big problem if you keep making him have sex he doesn't want. Have a talk with him to find out his comfortable limit. After he has reached his limit don't initiate anymore. If you're still horny you can masterbate either by yourself or with his help.


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