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35 thoughts on “BBC&PAWG111 the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. My views on the topic are pretty set by now.

    Go though the acceptance path first. I won’t say find confidence, because I feel like it lost its meaning nowadays. Everybody has flaws, things you like better, things you hate about yourself. Noticing them and accepting them is a huge path to cross but so rewarding. Learn to love yourself with your defaults, even if you see them as such. And if you truly can’t, then change the feature. But the only person you should look at to see if there’s something to change is you. Don’t compare yourself to others.

    The whole thing about dating someone more handsome, out of your league etc makes no sense. You’re not just your looks. And your partner chose you for a good reason, he’s not mistaken, he sees you everyday exactly as you are. You’re his match. You don’t need to change in order to keep him. Would you jump immediately on the next guy that would be more handsome than him ? I’m pretty sure not. Why would he ?

    Instead of thinking of what you could change to match his level, I would want you to ask yourself why don’t you feel worthy enough of him as you are right now ? This is deeper than look.

  2. Certainly. If you find you've lost all attraction to a partner after one week, maybe it's time to move on. I just think there's more at play than simply losing attraction, it seems it may have been caused by the knowledge she now has about him. The age thing could totally be a dealbreaker, but I don't think the loss of attraction should be the motivating factor if it's driven by something else.

  3. In this case I think therapy will help her get over it. She is stuck between being attracted to women, and having a husband she deeply loves and wants to be loyal to. She is having a very naked time squaring these seemingly conflicting parts of herself. Many people would cheat or try to open the relationship, but clearly she is too loyal for those options, so has convinced herself that her attraction to women is the problem.

    She needs compassion, therapy, and love. Not isolation, scorn, and abandonment.

  4. wtf your mom is out of her mind.

    If you get a chance to I wish you can tell her how an internet stranger feels happy and proud for her for getting over a dark time in her life and having a healthier outlook mentally and physically.

    If after knowing all the backstory about your mom and your wife still chooses to make such negative associations and decisions towards your mom, I find her mindset in fact to be the unhealthy one. I agree with others that she is the one who needs therapy (in particular with dealing with the death of her own father.)

    Your wife needs to change her mindset by hook or by crook. Not your mom.

  5. He doesn't have 100% custody like she's not banned from seeing or talking to them. But he has the physical custody. Sometimes my sister gets to see the girls and he said whenever that happens is when I'll get to see them

  6. When I was in high school I was advised that running through trigonometric identities would help take my mind off the horny when I was in the showers. It worked for all of 5 days, then it just made math class more awkward…

  7. To me it should do more than bug you. I would suggest couples counciling so the two of you can figure this out now that you have a kid in this world. Otherwise that friend is going to continue to create problems.

    Did the friend say why she lied? Did the friend apologize to you?

  8. Honey, those people are T O X I C

    You need to understand WHY ON EARTH THIS GUY IS NOT HONEST WITH YOU.


    Hold your head up high, and get the hell out of that relationship. Date a guy atleast 2-3 years older than you.

    These 30 somethings guys ARE TOO IMMATURE FOR A 30 YEAR OLD WOMAN, THINK ABOUT IT.

  9. That’s sure what it feels like. The other guests seemingly aren’t helping to prepare, neither are they bringing any food (I suggested each guest bring a platter, but this was shot down).

  10. PLEASE break up with him. I know everyone says “don't just say break up try and work it out first” but he's literally committing a crime and by some definitions, committing r*pe. In no way is this acceptable or fixable, you barely know him and he's already comfortable violating your boundaries. This will NOT get better, he will NOT listen, this is NOT an issue that can be fixed with communication.

  11. Just so you know, as a parent of a teenager, your post makes my skin crawl. You might think that 18 years and 4 months was adulthood, but 30 year old you is going to be horrified that a 23 year old was chasing someone barely out of high school.

    And you are unfortunately finding out why now that you are locked down with far fewer options to free yourself from this ugly mistreatment.

  12. I guess I worry that he is only agreeing so he doesnt loose me bit I can see that he is kind of sad or disappointed when we have these conversations. If that makes sense.

  13. Yup exactly this, she really liked being the only girl in the group and was likely basing her self-esteem on this for validation.

    I think you should reassure her insecurity but also firmly call her out on this behaviour.

    Over the 10+ years, I have sometimes been the only girlfriend in a group of guys (my husband from the get go always liked to party together and I can easily get along with all his different group of guy friends… definitely wing-woman my fair share for those idiots, ha).

    BUT it is always so much better having another girl. The more the merrier. The group dynamics are much more fun and sometimes I'd like the break from all the testosterone. My husband has a better time when I join too.

    I never understood why women wouldn't want other women to join, especially if they are fun, attractive and nice…it elevates the whole group and makes for a better time all around.

  14. Did he really completely change?

    Unless there are important details missing here, it sounds like he basically was never challenged. He never had to get a place. He never had to accommodate anyone but himself.

    And he’s continuing to live that life even while you are forced to grow up to raise your child.

    Have you tried bottling some in the fridge and making him feed the child alone upstairs? Let him experience your side of things?

    Or if you’re feeling bold what if you pump downstairs? See if he’s a bigger fan of that lol.

  15. however I’ve said that I feel like our marriage and particularly myself have taken a back seat.

    You're in the defence force and are gone a lot but HER activities that she participates in during these times away is whats making the marriage take a back seat? Really?

    You two have grown apart and I know that hurts. I was in the military for quite some time, and it takes a lot of work to keep a relationship going well as a result of the job.

  16. Well, you can make them wear condoms to catch their cum. Not as satisfying, but “no condom or no blowjob?” could be your new slogan.

    It's all about adjusting to each other. If you are uncomfortable about it desoite already trying it, then continue to be firm.

  17. and if a friend said “can i vent rn”, would you EVER say no? I can't imagine a friend asking to vent, and me saying, “nah, that sounds really draining for me right now”. It's performative. “best friends” shouldn't need permission to talk about important subjects with each other.

  18. Lawyer up, insist on a DNA test, and if you want parental rights, fight for them, but don't let her manipulate you. If she won't talk to you, let your lawyer do the talking.

  19. If this happens often enough it could lead to gastrointestinal issues with her lower esophageal sphincter. Which will not get better. I say this as someone with a bad lower esophageal sphincter for the past 20 years. Just having to burp leads to nausea and sometimes vomiting.

  20. It is quite sad you need physical affection from eighty people or you will have a bad day, I agree. Like, how hot is it to survive without being touched? Lmfao. 30 years so far, qualified to say ; not that hot.

  21. Stick to your guns.

    Break up, and she leaves now.

    In fact help her along the way and start pack her shit for her.

    Give her a timeframe of say an hour.

    Someone who abuses you by verbally insulting you, your hobbies and interests, and your friends is not capable of changing. Because to change they actually have to have empathy and a heart, and she proved she has neither.

  22. Quite often, the awkward, uncomfortable anxiety of a date is because you don't know your date very well, or if they're having a good time with you. While you do love each other very much, and your abilities as a team appear to be spot on, there's a very real possibility that you no longer know each other as separate individuals.

    You don't have to wait 'til the kids are in bed or you have alone time to re-engage in “dating/courting”. Ask cute questions throughout the day whether it be in person or by text. “What do you love live window shopping for when you're bored?”, “Did you ever tell yourself you were going to learn guitar or costume making some other crazy hobby? We should do that.”

    Or make a boring adult chore into something you do together: Need to get new pants for work? Take her with you. Let her play dress-up and pick out things for each other to try on, even if you don't wind up buying those items. You'll learn what she thinks looks good on you, and you can make her feel very hot and sexy.

    Or plan a nostalgia date! “Going out to eat is boring. Remember when we were back in college and could barely afford groceries? What was your favorite poor college kid food? We should get a bunch of ramen and bologna sandwich stuff and have a living room picnic and laugh over the terrible bands we listened to then.”

  23. I’m just desensitized at this point to women infidelity. Its gone through the roof

    You can tell the husband but I’d suggest you don’t and just block her and get far away from her as possible. You really could get hurt in these kinds of situations if you tell the hubby

  24. As someone who recently learned that my dad, who is my best friend, is dying. Although it’s a little different because you’re so young, I have been grieving more than I’ve ever grieved before.

    I feel like doing what your sister is doing sometimes – she’s trying to ignore and push away what’s happening and trying to make it not real. Denial is one of the stages of grief, and she may need a little time to get to the next stage. Maybe just emphasize to her (through her partner or whatever way of communication) that you love her and want to spend time with her. That you guys can talk about your feelings if she wants, or you can just be as normal as possible. Maybe suggest doing something you both have enjoyed doing in the past.

    For your partner, they’re going to focus solely on getting to you. Just focus on communication with them, make them feel like they’re there too. Let them support you from afar and let them figure out if they’re going to come see you.

    But overall, to be honest, it’s not your job to comfort them. I don’t know how long ago you told them, but time does help a little bit. And hopefully they’ll both realize soon that you’re still here, and you all need to treat every day like it might be your last.

    I am so sorry you are dealing with all this. I’ve had an illness (cancer) and faced my own mortality before at 23, and I truly found it much easier to come to terms with the possibility of dying. It was seeing my family be sad and worry about me was much harder for me to deal with.

  25. I know! The only think here is that we do get along in those time we are together and he is responsive/supportive in texts/calls. I believe if we would be able to see each other normally as other people we would be happy

    Would you break up in this situation or also endure?


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