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36 thoughts on “Peter the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I had a LDR with an amazing girl a long time ago. It was a ton of fun in the beginning. We spent at least an hour every day talking or skyping, but she also became very jealous of time I would spend with friends. Eventually I stopped looking forward to our calls because they were so emotionally draining. I just wanted to chill sometimes or talk about my day but she just needed constant reassurance and it became a chore. When we would see each other in person, it was great, but the time apart was more than I could handle and I eventually broke it off.

    Keep it mostly fun when you talk, and make it something you both look forward to.

  2. Hello /u/ThrowRA2252552525,

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  3. She had numerous opportunities to come clean. In fact, for the next few days (to a week) I kept bringing up the night. I knew I was being lied to, but I kept bringing up the night, trying to get some more details (enough for someone to think that someone is asking too many questions) yet she still stuck to her story.

    It was so well rehearsed and organised, that I still want to believe it didn't happen. If it wasn't for her friends social media posts, and me doing a bit of digging, I'd be none the wiser.

    When she was at this hotel room (I knew because of social media, but she did not mention at all on the night she was predrinking at a hotel room) I text her, and she still never said they were drinking at a hotel room, just her friend needing the bathroom. I knew she was drinking at the hotel room, this is why I sent her the text – and she omitted the truth

  4. Maybe it’s the phrasing, but you don’t seem like a supportive friend the way you describe your assessment of why she’s being rejected.

    If she is rejected again, just be there for her without immediately crushing all her hopes and pointing out she needs to move on. That is a conversation for when she’s had time to process a potential third rejection, not the first thing you lead with. Where is her family in all this??

  5. I sometimes forget that some countries don't have healthcare/a government that cares at least a little about the wellbeing of its people… Sorry to hear that.

    Anyway, she needs to see someone about her depression or whatever it is that she has. It obviously impacts her life. And if she has developed a repulsion of sex, then I would argue that she might have had a traumatic experience. I don't know if this is a topic that a couples therapy can properly address to be honest… But I wish you both good luck anyways

  6. He's insecure, misogynistic and abusive.

    He may also be projecting. This is the type of person that cheats because he's a man and has that right.

    Run like your tampon string is on fire. He's abusive.

  7. Nah, the second he would have grabbed my dog and aid that I would have broken up with him on the spot. I don’t care what his reason is, that’s unacceptable.

    If he behaves this way only 4 months in and uses the excuse of being in a bad mood, what else will he do when he’s in a bad mood?? You should break up with him.

  8. We allowed her to go to school far away. We initially wanted her to stay home and go to the local schools nearby where she would commute. We want her to have an education.

  9. I guess you could come to that conclusion if you didn't bother reading past that first sentence, which is sort of ironic. Isn't it?

  10. You stop watching her shower, like a normal human. What else can you do? Divorce her? This is a silly argument.

  11. Don’t think you’re gonna change him, he doesn’t care bout your sexual happiness

    You guys are not compatible. You shame him for how he likes to kiss, and tell him he should kiss x way…what if the other way is comfy for him and your way is uncomfortable

  12. And I appreciate that piece of advice. Yeah, this current therapist is really something… we’ve had about six or seven sessions and she still can’t say my name right.

    Would it be rude for me to switch to another provider at the same office?

  13. I disagree.

    This dynamic is very much like my own family. A visit is the last thing any of us would want in this situation, and further insistence or an unannounced visit would be very unappreciated.

    It's far more likely that he understands his mother's needs better than you or OP do. Bonus casual sexism.

  14. You talk about how you don't like how she looks, how much you guys aren't on good terms, how your families hate each other.

    You said you hate how she looks.

    I honestly think you need to break up, move on, and grow up. You seem like you are too immature for a commitment like marriage, and you need to get out of this codependent relationship and work on yourself.

  15. He didn't forget it. He neglected it, most likely because he knew OP wouldn't agree if he explained. He didn't want OP's input or consent. He treated OP basically like a sex toy for his own gratification.

  16. o…kay? i struggle to barely comprehend how this relates to… anything, but will 100% stop responding. good night!

  17. That’s exactly what this is. Normally, I think it’s ok for people to err on the side of caution and provide help to someone just in case the story is real, even if it’s unbelievable, who knows – it might help someone else. But this story just takes it way too far.

  18. Anal sex doesn’t really do too much for women, I do actually enjoy anal sex form time to time but I enjoy PIV much more and actually orgasm form that, never from anal. Without any actual intimacy in your relationship you need to honestly just tell him “no” I know that’s difficult to do and it’s not easy but the situation obviously isn’t going to resolve by talking so denying is the next best thing. I won’t bash you for the age difference, me and my husband are 12yrs apart and I’m 38 (he’s 50) and we’re coming up on our 10yr anniversary been together for 13 so regardless of age it CAN work but you are being disregarded in the bedroom which will lead to bigger problems. Sexual satisfaction needs to be mutual and this seems very one sided in his favor. When we decide to have anal I actually use a small egg vibrator inside at the same time and it’s s lot of fun, you can also try compromises too, if he wants anal he can go down on you for a while, at least this way you’ll get some satisfaction, hope you find a solution and work things out.

  19. Your edit is kinda gross.

    He might want to make it work but because you cheated on him, subconsciously he is reacting to the decision to be with you.

    He cannot help the way he is reacting until he has worked through the “hiccup”. Even though there’s a lot of things that’s happened since then, it doesn’t mean he has worked through it and is really ready to even move on with you.

  20. Yep, and she should start going at least quarterly too. Self-care is important and he seems controlling/manipulative about this issue

  21. Ya this is very weird, looking at when you’re on-line is one thing. Bringing it up to you and interrogating you about it is another. If you want to be in a controlling, abusive relationship then stay with this guy.


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