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*HINT: it, 's the name I go by. live! sex chat


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45 thoughts on “*HINT: it, ‘s the name I go by. the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I met my current girlfriend at work and when I was 27 and she was only 19. She helped raise two of her siblings (17 and 5 at the time) and moved out at 18. She bought a car and worked two jobs for more than a year to make it happen. She’s always been mature for her age. So much so that people mistake her for being much older (interestingly enough, I wasn’t one of those people) SIMPLY because of her mannerisms and how she carries herself professionally. We met in July, became friends in December and for the next 5 months (up until May) became great friends. A couple times a week we would hang out outside of work and everyone thought we were at thing. We weren’t. For 5+ month we’re great(best?) friends and we didn’t even so much as hold hands. She perused me and at 20 and 28, I asked her out. We’ll celebrate 5 years together this upcoming spring and I couldn’t be happier.

    I go on this long tangent about my story simply to say that there ARE scenarios where substantial age gaps aren’t that big a deal. Keep a keen eye on things. If you two are happy, and he doesn’t try to control you or dictate how you should do things, I don’t see why this couldn’t work.

    Good luck.

  2. Hello /u/Zealousideal-Run2076,

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  4. Exactly this. Stop giving in ??‍♀️ If it's important to them that you guys be present then they'll start respecting your boundaries and stop the afterthought/demand invites ??‍♀️

  5. Why does anyone assume anything that applies to 90% of the population. Why do people assume you're right handed? Why do people assume you have a functioning sense of smell, or sight, or hearing?

  6. I mean it wouldn't be a bad idea to make the friend group aware that she likes trying to steal guys away. I'm sure some of them have boyfriends, and I'm pretty sure she's done it before with them too.

  7. No one is suggesting you agree with her when she says she's ugly, but what you're saying about accepting her without make-up isn't a compliment.

    I have to accept paying taxes, but I don't like it. I have to accept I have to eat healthy to avoid looking like a beached whale, but I don't like it. Acceptance isn't the same as liking something. Just tell her you accept her with make-up. That's what she wants to hear.

  8. Echoing everyone here saying your wife WILL give your child an eating disorder without serious intervention NOW. Get whatever you can from her in writing in case you need to keep her from getting full custody later. This is so unhinged and cruel.

  9. You seem to be overthinking this. If you feel you want to respond saying thank you for the card, then do so. If for whatever reason you're uncomfortable with it then don't and nothing lost.

  10. I did go for awhile and i did everything she told me to, the point we were at was he needed to come as well, flogging a dead horse I reckon so I gave up. And yes I know but I have said that to him many times and it’s like he gets it then immediately forgets and goes back to the way he normally is

  11. I would be hurt too but you’re probably just taking it too personally. He can be glad he met you and also unhappy with where he is

  12. Her words and actions do not convey interest in making this relationship work. They don't show that she cherishes you or values your presence in her life.

    My take is that you two have grown apart and while you love eachother and possibly fear the unknown when you consider breaking up, that really you should break up.

    I think this is the end of your journey together and that's OK. It's normal and valid to love someone deeply but recognize that your relationship isn't meeting your needs and has no future.

    Make room in your life for someone who is excited to share it with you. You both deserve that.

  13. Simply put, you need to find the cause of the snoring. So is he snoring all the time. If not you have a starting point.

  14. The same wife that cheated on you with your best friend, according to your post history? Sounds like you just let your wife walk all over you, not really a brilliant idea in my book

  15. No I help myself

    She even says when I have to tell her what Iv applied for ‘yeah youv applied for loads there’

    She gives me job sheets to apply for myself yea but a hunky man sits there and flirts etc she does it all with him

  16. You deserve better than this. Continued proximity to his racist brother is more than enough reason to dump him.

  17. If she honestly is enjoying sex with you and you fulfill her who cares of her ex was packing? I get it she felt bad saying it because that implies your smaller then him and she didn’t want to hurt your feelings etc? I still think your GF was saying that you are good with sex. Her ex was only because he was bigger.

  18. You mentioned that you've already had sex with him.

    He's not interested. His needs may be getting met elsewhere.

  19. This is ridiculous at the end of the day your set up for failure if he wants to be in there lives it’s his right as there actual father. Women have grown so awful in the last 5 years and it’s so heartbreaking

  20. A relationship founded on deceit is not meant to last. I’d have to end this if I were you. Being lied to for an entire year is not ok, regardless of their reasoning.

  21. I’m sorry I stopped reading half way through.

    Cause what the actual fuck. I’m 30, and your 46 GF is acting 15.

    If my ex, his GF and my so can all 4 co parent 7 year olds without fighting…. You can find someone who isn’t jealous of an ex from ten years ago.

    She is controlling af and your ex isn’t really a narcissist. Cause if she was. She’d be throwing a damn fit that you don’t make her more important than she is. Maybe selfish but does not have NPD

  22. You're not accusing her of lying, you would be addressing the fact that she has lied. This girl is a teenager, that changes everything. You are the adult here, act like it and confront this head on.

    I was shocked but didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin the vacation.

    Info: did you continue sleeping together after you found out how young she really was?

  23. Not having many common topics is fine, as long as you two have a good rapport and similar goals. It sounds like the rapport isn’t there.

    It’s only been a month, so maybe she’s still nervous to be herself. Maybe she’s still trying to learn the role of whatever relationship you have. Sometimes rapport comes with time. Sometimes it doesn’t.

    If you like her, certainly no harm in having a few more dates. Maybe try having a date in a space she would feel like an expert. For example, if she was in the tennis club in college, try some tennis. If she studied plants, maybe go to an arboretum. Maybe that’ll get her to open up a bit.

    But ya know, give yourself a time limit. If nothing changes in the next 2-3 weeks, you can knowledgeably call it over knowing you gave it full effort.

  24. Sorry to anyone who disagrees, but you deserve to spend your “you” time however you like. He sounds a bit controlling — the only reason for him to be upset about this is because drinking a pint everyday might lead to excessive drinking (but I am American and I know the culture is different in Ireland). Still, you’re allowed to do what you want and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. What he is asking for is not reasonable.

  25. Just lay it out. Say “listen, when you say stuff like that it makes me think you don’t find me attractive and if that’s the case then let’s just end this thing now. Because I’m not going to continue to listen to you point out my faults.” “I don’t point out your shortcomings and I expect the same respect from you”

    “If you want to be with me, great but if you’re not attracted to me let’s not waste each others time”.

  26. What do you get out of this relationship?

    Sounds like he has it made, you come to him on his terms and then do all his cleaning.

  27. Not sure I understand the question. But we’re both pretty busy during the week with work. I’d like to think that hanging out with me is a de-stressor but idk


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