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50 thoughts on “Alice the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I don’t have an issue with the girlfriends request.

    I have an issue with you being judgemental.

    Depression can affect your hygiene…It’s not a get out of jail free card as people still hate on you for having a mental illness. If anything I’m questioning if you had MDD or what type of depression because you’re invaliding a very real experience that some depressed people are faced with.

  2. My dude, be happy that you just lost a fucking piece of shit parasite. You don’t want that kind of shit in your life.

  3. He's 61 you're 28, I'd say give it 20 years or so, and people will stop assuming he's a dirty old man , and you're his PYT/Child bride with daddy issues. But seriously, the gap is so large that some people are always going to judge you and him

  4. My ex from years ago thought that too, verbalized it many times. Guess what? I finally said ok, find someone else, and moved in right on out of my house. Guess what? He’s still single and angry about it. Nobody wants him long term, because he sucks.

  5. She could have waited till after if she was serious. She backed herself into this position but what she is asking would be reasonable to me. If she was ready to be exclusive with you she wouldn't be excited to go to an orgy that doesn't include you.

  6. I dont blame her. I would feel the same. They knew you cheated and they didn’t least encourage you to not. Please dont try to have a reason. Because i am not there and that screams you cheated.

  7. Mate, if its bugging you enough to post this, it should be enough to speak to her seriously about it. Family, friends even socials can take a while with an extremely private person. (She may have had some serious stalker issues) but a basic full name redaction says, at best she doesn’t trust you, at worst, shes not trustworthy.

    Theres nothing romantic or alluring about not know who the hell you’re dating.

  8. Hello /u/Realistic-Ad-1053,

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  10. Thanks! I've been reading a lot but there's a ton of shit I still don't know, like that whole thing about moisturizing nipples.

  11. Ok well if that’s the case, I would bring it up to her. It may not be a romantic relationship, but you still should have open conversations about whats bothering you. That’s what having healthy relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, etc) entails. If it was just some party friend I would say a slow fade, but it sounds like it’s not.

    Have you communicated to her at all that you feel like your friendship is unbalanced?

    Either way, its basically a break up. “Hey [name], I have recently been feeling like you don’t prioritize our friendship. It’s been taking a mental and emotional toll on me, both in feeling like I’m the only one initiating hanging out and me ruminating on the various feelings that come with that (confusion, hurt, anger, unfairness). I wanted to tell you so you don’t think I am avoiding you, but I need to take a step back from our friendship for myself. This isn’t about you, but just what I need for myself right now.”

    If she seems keen on trying to be better I would still say that. “I appreciate you hearing me and wanting to be better, I think I still need sometime to reset” Plan a hangout a [week/month] out for coffee right then with her responsibility to text and remember to check in with you before. If she doesn’t reach out before to confirm then feel free to move and never text her again. If she does then it shows she is making and effort to change.

    Don’t include that last part obviously if you just want to cut her off. If she responds with pointed questions or anger or defensiveness I would just say “Listen, I know you’re probably upset with me and I’m upset with you too. I just wanted to share my feelings and let you know. I don’t want to invest anymore energy into this relationship. I’m sorry” and then block.

  12. So just just gets off from watching porn? Someone else said she might have a porn addiction, it might actually be that..

  13. Honestly this. You're not going to really know how you are going to react to a situation until you are in it. Therapy be it as individuals or couples is going to be required.

    I would ask you one thing: Are you going to hold it against your gf of she has a miscarriage? 1 on 3 pregnancies end up in miscarriage that can be caused by a wide variety of reasons. Having an abortion and a subsequent miscarriage are generally not related, but I've seen and heard of spouses holding it against their partners illogically. If you even think that you could possibly feel like you would blame/resent her in this situation, I would advise you to slow down this relationship. You need to really examine your thoughts and process your emotions.

  14. I’ve cut it short in the past just never done the dye job. I loved having short hair but yeah, like I said the maintenance is just too much!

  15. but still, it’s a big move to make especially if he ends up breaking up with me when we are engaged because he decided that the way I stack plates is too annoying or whatever.

    Would you rather have your first divorce over the way you stack plates instead?

  16. You should go your separate ways.

    Him wanting to move to Florida is okay. You wanting to stay in California is also okay.

    Him basically dictating you are moving to Florida whether you like it or not is absolutely not okay.

    Then trying to guilt trip you by claiming you're 'not willing to commit' by refusing his demand.

    This is well up there into the territory of abusive relationship stuff.

  17. Is it worth posting about it? No one here can tell you how to plan your weekend, you'll just get people telling you to dump your gf over a stupid video game.

  18. Part of why you think you're in love is that intermittent rewards are highly addictive. Like slot machines. Free yourself.

  19. Hii as a black woman who has dated a man with racist parents. Keep him far away. You can tell your parents about him but keep them far away from him. If you know what they are like why would you want to expose him to that? If you did, Id advise him to run far away from you and your family.

  20. It is. I'm so so sorry this should not have been your burden. It is your mom's fault. Just remember that. You did nothing wrong.

  21. I hope you are able to get the depression controlled so you can be more yourself again.

    I think all the responses here made it really clear to me that something was wrong beyond just what caused the argument. Really it was all of you who pointed at the thing I was not seeing that really was the tipping point. I can not express how thankful I am for that.

  22. If you marry this gentleman, you are taking on a lifetime of the emotional work of your household. Don't expect any help with your future children, either. My crystal ball foresees a future in which you are filled with resentment and frustration. Walk into it with your eyes open.

  23. Aside from the lawyer on the legal end I would look into a family therapist. Have a solo session or two to discuss the ways to talk to the kids and to get feedback from them. Possibly have the convo in a session with the therapist there. Basically I don’t think you should hid this from the kids and if they want to meet their bio father you should facilitate that BUT it should be on your terms.

    My thoughts on terms to be tweaked by your lawyer or therapist: He needs to initiate and see through the process to legally establish paternity. You won’t fight it, but the only thing you’ll do is respond to what the court wants you to do. In that process he needs to set up his child support as well as catching up on back child support that should be owed. Depending on if you think he’ll be flakey set up a schedule where he has to consistently stick with say calling you (just need him to call on time (a quick thanks for calling on time bye) to prove himself before bringing in the kids. Unless the kids have preferences I’d start contact with emails, setting up a specific address just for that and so you can monitor. Then phone/video calls from there to eventually him coming to visit them. In other words go slow, have him prove himself, and while you may have to slow down the kids pace don’t go faster than they want. If kid doesn’t want to video chat – sorry try again next time. The email address would also be good for giving to any of his family members that want contact. It allows you to monitor it and allows the kids to choose when they deal with it vs it just popping up in their regular email (assuming kids these days use email for it to pop up in lol)

  24. It’s gotten to the point where he avoids saying and doing loving and affectionate things entirely, but then tells me that he is sorry and loves me days later. With this behaviour, is this relationship salvageable (and what do I say in order to begin working on it), or should it be ended?

  25. She's probably thinking any time you get “bored”, you'll just up and leave her and maybe come back once you again see that the grass isn't greener on the other side. She doesn't trust you and I'm sure that's where those arguments came from. You technically could possibly rebuild trust but if she isn't interested in trying that, then you're out of luck.

    I'd back off and see what happens, but also try to learn to accept that you might have irreparably damaged your relationship.

  26. Um, you're never old enough to have to be “dealing with this shit”. I hate the insinuation that as you age your standards obviously must be lowered.

  27. You honestly sound really needy. A lot of your expectations are reasonable. Having someone who makes a decent living, is honest, doesn’t cheat. Reasonable. It’s the ‘adore’ ‘spoil’ ‘attention’ what does that mean? Because that means such different things to different people. You say spend time with you, how much time? Every moment you aren’t working? The call and text and not wait hours? Ridiculous. Marriage/relationships aren’t like they are in movies and on tv. You want a relationship that is a fantasy. My husband is amazing, we’ve been married 22 years. He adores me, but probably doesn’t show it in a way that you would receive it. We go hours sometimes answering each others texts/calls, we are busy. We both have interests outside of each other. We don’t need to spend all our free time together. I think you need to learn to fill these needs on your own before seeking out a relationship.

  28. Right but you still aren't answering the question.

    It helps to know what you are bringing to the table. If you, yourself, don't check any of those boxes, pretty very hot to find someone who does.

    Don't settle though. Just dating for fun, looking for someone, is better than settling for a bad relationship.

    You've just narrowed your field a lot, trying to settle at 28 and looking for, effectively, a successful and socially attractive guy who doesn't have kidd, after a decade of relationships.

  29. Bro, take it from someone who was abused, too. Because that's what it is, abuse. Cut. Her. Off. Completely. This woman doesn't deserve to be in your life. I don't care if she's a 12/10 for you but mate, she assaulted you, stole YOUR car and even has the nerve to say that she's the one who needs time. Even if you could salvage this incident, which you can't, she'll do it again. Get your car back, see if you can stay with literally anyone else and forget about her. No partner, male, female or otherwise, is worth being abused for. Even if she promised she'd conquer Heaven, Earth and Hell for you, get out of this relationship.

  30. While I can agree she may be introvert, it us also true she treats like fwb. There are people even introvert feels very comfortable around, but she makes no effort to make you such person for her.

    I think she is a waste of your time, at least if you want commited relationship.

  31. Confessing to her would be like playing Russian Roulette with 5 bullets in the gun.

    Usually when friends transition into dating… there is some sign or indication for the 'shoot your shot' to have a positive outcome. Such as reciprocated flirting or cute text messages etc.

    From the sounds of it… you have nothing that would indicate a positive outcome.

    On that note, the likely outcome is to make this weird for everyone and potentially put all friendships here in a challenging position.

    So, I think you should keep it to yourself and not risk anything.

    Perhaps seeing her date others, will help squash your feelings over time. I think your feelings are strong because hope was always on the table, a door open.

    Well, the door is clearly now. And you'll likely spend less time together as a result of her dating. That will help you move on.

    In the meantime, I think it would be good for you to make an live! dating profile and start seeing what else is out there.

    There are plenty of options and amazing women out there. You will find someone who is actually attainable and you think just as highly about.

  32. You were the one who brought up breaking up, she called your bluff and now you’re upset about it? Aside from that, what did you do? It doesn’t sound like flowers can ever get you out of this one bud


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