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15 thoughts on “♥ℭ?????? ℭ?????♥ the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. OP, if you were a man, none of this bs about “staying” would be suggested. Promiscuity doesn’t just leave a person because they’re in a committed relationship

  2. Coffee date should be everyone's first rule. It won't break the bank and you will find out if you want to go to lunch or dinner if you have invested enough time into getting to know them.

  3. I empathize with you in that you feel your needs aren’t being met, however, your wife is physically sick and going through an extreme influx of hormones that are wreaking havoc on every system in her body. Not wanting to be touched, kissed, or pursued for sex when she’s nauseous, vomiting, physically aching, and emotionally/mentally fatigued is not wrong of her. Pregnancy can be absolutely devastating to the body. You can throw up so much you dehydrate and need hospitalization. You can vomit so much your teeth weaken. Your hips widen and hurt, your breasts ache, and the nausea is perpetual for a large period of the gestational time. Blood pressure can increase, appetite can decrease, hemorrhoids can form, fissures can form, and all myriad of other painful, embarrassing problems. Physical touch can hurt immensely when you’re pregnant and dealing with inflamed nerves and a fragile mental state.

    You seem to have a distinct lack of empathy for your wife considering you are the one who impregnated her. She’s a human being who is obviously in pain and feeling unwell and your response is to come to Reddit and have a pity party because she doesn’t want to have sex with you or kiss you because she’s got vomit mouth and perpetual nausea? Come on dude. How selfish.

    If you think your marriage won’t survive because you have a period of time in which you can’t have intercourse or snuggle because your wife is debilitatingly sick then that shows a real lack of character and integrity on your part. Masturbation exists. Sharing intimate space with your wife without touching her also exists. If you can’t weather the temporary withdrawal of physical intimacy because your wife is unwell – and again, I repeat that she’s unwell due to carrying your child – you aren’t fit to be her partner. It’s plain and simple.

    This post is wildly lacking in empathy and you should be ashamed of your selfishness.

  4. He probably does, but assumed correctly that claiming he doesn't would be enough for you. You should check online for other profiles and I'm with your friend that you should confront him.

  5. My ex best friend told me “You must love pedos” because she thought I voted for Biden. I am in no way political so that was really confusing. Then she called me all kinds of other names and told me I’m selfish. Just weird shit that made no sense. She could be jealous of you and it’s coming out sideways, or she’s showing off in front of her boyfriend? Either way, I never had any desire to work things out with her and we were friends for eighteen years

  6. It sounds like you are the immature one here and he just wants to be extra careful so you both end up with an unwanted pregnancy.

  7. Has he ever been in the club, or is he going from stereotypes? Perhaps it is the opposite, and he has some very bad experiences, of which you do not know.

    In any case, there is an inherent danger when everyone of the group gets completely drunk, there is the possibility of something dangerous happening to you. Same if people within the group do not take care of each other (many posts like this have been made on this sub before).

    In general, very drunk people can act differently and do things they would never have done sober. The amount of posts about people being cheated on in such circumstances is certainly high here as well (by partners that have never cheated before and otherwise did nothing of the sort). I don't know how common it is in real life (as I detest going to clubs, lol), but it certainly does happen at least sometimes.

    Discuss with him his experience with clubbing. Explain that you will be caring for one another there, and you will not get completely wasted as to keep things under control. Acknowledging that his worries aren't exactly strange, but he should let you experience it by yourself, despite his worries.

  8. Where did I suggest that becky? People are suggest she stays with him just to ensure she gets the maxium amount of money. Im saying that's amoral… she isnt losing half of anything and they dont know that he will die in months… where do you get this stuff? What they should each do is get therapist and lawyers.. not just stay in the relationship to try and maximize her payout to get some kind of revenge on him… which is what the original comment I relied to suggest. Understand now?


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